12 Lecture 03 - 2019

12.1 Regressions

  • Model of mean and variance of some normally distributed measure
  • Mean as additive combination of weighted variables
  • Typical assumed constant variable (???)
  • The line returned is the mean - but with Bayesian we want to see the distribution of lines, ranked by plausibility
  • The model endorses the line, but the line doesn’t necessarily fit the data
  • In regressions there will always be more certainty at the means and bow tie towards the limits of the data
  • Regression models don’t have arrows like DAGs - they just measure associations.

12.2 Normal distributions

Normal distributions arise when repeated fluctuations tend to cancel near 0

The Gaussian distribution is the most conservative distribution to use for a prior, it is the best option if no additional scientific information is available

12.3 Prior predictive distributions

Simulate from the joint posterior distribution and evaluate

  1. Setup model with quap
  2. prior <- extract.prior(model)
  3. link(model, post = prior, data = seq)
    • where the seq is a sequence of your x variable (eg for standardize -2, 2
  4. Plot lines

These are all the possibility given the prior, not the data

If the lines show such a limited relationship that you’d expect that the true relationship is outside of these, expand the priors.

If alternatively they are widely implausible, tighten the priors.

12.4 Quadratic approximate

In a multidimensional space, QUAP uses gradient climbing to find peaks

Maximum likelihood estimation = QUAP with flat priors

Function in rethinking is rethinking::quap

12.5 Centering variables

x - mean(x)

Should be default behavior when doing a regression