17 Lecture 08 - 2019

17.1 Information theory

Information: reduction in uncertainty caused by learning an outcome

Therefore it’s a scale of uncertainty, and information theory is a system for deriving a metric of uncertainty

Information entropy: uncertainty in a probability distribution is average the log probability of an event. Uncertainty in a distribution, “potential for surprise”

entropy(p) - entropy(q) is what we are trying to minimize (where p is true, q is model)

17.2 Divergence

\(D_{KL} = \sum p_{i} (log(p_{i}) - log(q_{i}))\)

  • Average difference in log probability between the model q and target p
  • It’s asymmetrical - recall W/L ratio on Earth → Mars and reverse. Expecting few water events coming from Mars and the reverse coming from Earth
  • Since we don’t actually know the “truth”, we can’t use this to directly measure a model
  • But turns out - we don’t need the truth to compare two models, only their average log probability

17.3 Estimating divergence

This is the gold standard for scoring models

17.3.1 Log pointwise predictive density


Point wise measure of average probability that the model expects the data

Using the entire posterior, measures the log probability

Summing the vector of lppd returns the total log probability score

Larger values are better, indicating larger average accuracy

17.3.2 Deviance

Deviance = lppd score * -2

Smaller values are better

Note: deviance decreases with more parameters, however out of sample deviance is best in the model with the right number of parameters (simulated example)

17.4 Regularization

Must always be skeptical of the sample

Regularization: use informative, conservative priors to reduce over fitting (models learn less from sample).

This is particularly important for small sample sizes and as a result, for multilevel models.

17.5 Cross validation

Without known out of sample measures, you can estimate out of sample deviance

Model with some samples left out, and average over the estimate of those samples

17.5.1 LOO

Leave one out

Pareto-smoothed importance sample (PSIS)

loo package

17.6 Information criteria

Historically: AIC, a theoretical estimate of the KL distance

Assumptions of AIC include

  • priors are flat or overwhelmed by data
  • posterior is essentially Gaussian
  • sample size >> number of parameters k

17.6.1 WAIC

Widely Applicable Information Criterion

  • Does not assume Gaussian posterior

17.6.2 Standard error

Presented in rethinking::compare and available for LOO or AIC comparisons. The standard error is the approximate standard error of each WAIC. Caution: with small sample sizes, the standard error reported underestimates the uncertainty.

To determine if two models can be distinguished, use the standard error of their difference (dSE). Using the compare function, you can get the @dSE slot to return a matrix of dSE for each pair of models.

17.7 Model selection

Avoid model selection

Score models and apply causal inference to use compare competing models to explain

17.8 Model comparison

Model comparison is not causal inference

Add and imagine unobserved confounds

17.8.1 Example 1: model mis-selection using WAIC

Height 0 → Height 1, Treatment → Fungus → Height 1

F + T, dWAIC = 0

T, dWAIC = 41

intercept = 44

Since f is a pipe on T→F, including it confounds the model

AIC does not indicate causal inference, it simply identifies the best model according to the predicted out of sample deviance

Model comparison AND causal inference are important

17.8.2 Example 2: primate lifetime

Body mass → lifespan, Body mass → brain size → lifespan

Relationship of interest: brain size on lifespan

M + B, WAIC = 217

B, WAIC = 218

M = 229

Note: when we have different parameters that return similar WAIC, it’s an invitation to poke inside!

Inspecting their estimate posterior we notice that the sign of the brain mass parameter flips from negative to positive across models

Another approach: since WAIC is point wise we can plot the difference in WAIC for each point across models

Comparing life span on Y, and point wise difference in WAIC between the two models on X

We see that the model M+B is better for some species eg. Cebus, and the simple B model is better for other species eg. Gorilla
